From the Freelance Workshop to Ladies Arm Wrestling

May 8th was a very interesting day which began with my participation in the Freelance Workshop, produced by the Freelance Committee of the National Press Club. My fellow panelists and I were invited to tell our stories to a sold out audience and then take questions. From what they are saying on Twitter, it was a boffo show. Special thanks for the moderator and chair of the committee, Tam Harbert for giving me the opportunity to talk and mingle with my colleagues, Emily Paulsen and Katherine Lewis.

At the end of the day, we proceeded to American Legion Hall Post 8 to unwind with at an event produced by the DC Lady Arm Wrestlers In case you haven't heard about this, a group of women in DC followed the lead of a group of women in Charlottesville, VA by staging ladies arm wrestling events, at which they assume personas and arm wrestle to raise money for charity. My girlfriend, the lovely and talented, Misty Ray was recruited by these ladies, which led me to produce a film about them, which led to us never missing a match. It happens three or four times a year and I garuantee you've never seen anything like it.